Thursday 15 June 2017

Handling losses. . Redeeming the time

You cannot win everybody or everything at every time. And you cannot lose everything and everybody at the same time. The good thing about life is, you don’t need to win everybody’s vote or endorsement to be successful.
 Men and Women will always walk in and out of your life whether you like it or not. Borrow a leave from the the perfect master, Jesus Christ, ‘After Jesus said these things, many of his many followers left him. They stopped following Jesus. Jesus asked the twelve apostles, ‘Do you want to leave too? John. 6:66-67.(ERV).

It wasn’t that Jesus left them, they left him. Just as Lot separated himself from Father Abraham and not the reverse. Jesus lost at least 5000 – member congregation that day as a result of his undiluted and UN-compromised message and teaching. I guess losing was not a big deal to him because, he was even asking the 12 if they were ready to follow suit.

Losses are real. But, you can handle them. Crisis will come even without legal invitation. In fact, it may not even be your fault. Shaking is coming. God will shake away certain people and things from you. And, He will use certain things to shake you away from certain things or people. Get ready so that you won’t be caught unaware and unprepared.

What are your losses? Is it your Joy, Happiness, Family, Mother, Husband, Wife, Children, Salvation, Dignity, Reputation, Significance, Honour, Position, disposition, Mind, Integrity, Health, Wealth, Fortune, or Prosperity to mention but few? Don’t lose focus...Don’t lose God! The big questions are, how do I handle my losses, regrets, disappointments, wasted years, wasted efforts, misappropriation and the likes and at the same time redeem the time? Well, who else could teach us than the man who once lost all and recovered all: The Prodigal Son. Listen to his story.

‘When he came to his senses, he said, how many of my Father’s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my Father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you..So he got up and went to his Father. Lk. 15:17-20. (NIV). 

Reflection: Before you blame the withes, wizard, government, economy, politics or anybody take enough time to reason out, ruminate and reflect on your past and the cause of your predicament. What do you think you should have done that you didn’t do or that you did that shouldn’t have done? The Prodigal son took stock and did not
blame any because, haven come to his senses he knew he was the problem not the situation he found himself. Saul told his servant if we can’t find what is lost, don’t get lost. When you find yourself other lost things will locate you.

Decision: The man made up his mind without further consultation. Indecision is a decision in disguise. Decision enhances performance. He decided to go back and he did. Stop regretting your Lot. Make up your  mind now on what next to do and go ahead and just do it, period!

Humility to reconcile: Restitution breeds reconciliation. Once you are ready to restitute, the result is you’ll be reconciled. Do you have enough humility to confess, amend, adjust and feel sorry? Why not reconcile with your creator, sponsorship, business partners and associates or may be your next-door neighbor today! Pick your phone and call him/ her now for reconciliation! Do it NOW! And put the devil to shame!

Embrace hope: There is always hope. No hopeless situation but hopeless people. Your case or situation is not hopeless. No loss is fatal hope is greater than loss, and faith is greater than failures.

Count your blessing: Being shortsighted will blind you to left over treasures and blessing. The devil strategically and systematically launched his attack against Job to destroy him. However, Job did not lose everything or everybody. For instance, the wife was alive, his three wise and wealthy friends and God’s  breath in his nostril were  the left over in his hands?  How are you handling the pieces or the remnant? Anything in your hands and in your life can multiply. It begins with doing something tangible, reasonable and profitable with it. When there is life there is hope!

Recovery prayers: To undermine the place and power of prayers is to be crippled eternally physically and spiritually. Sometimes its isn’t that we don’t pray but we don’t pray prevailingly. And if you fail to travail prevailingly in prayer, you will prevail travailingly in hardness. The prayer of the righteous the bible says make things happen. James 5:16-17. If you fail to pray, you pray to fail. If you don’t pray regularly you will die gradually. Therefore Pray! Pray! Always Pray! Understand !

Those who will never win

These two people will never win no matter the diligence, effort, energy, financial backing, sponsorship, sacrifice or prayer missile exercise. For these people; the Fearful and the Compromiser - there is no spiritual immunity against loses!

The fearful:
The fearful are losers. The fearful will always, and definitely lose whatever they have. Whatever you fear to lose you may eventually lose. Whatever you love, respect, idolize and express fear so much about, you may eventually lose! Job asserts, ‘For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Hmm mm. Nobody knew as Godly, upright, perfect and religious as Job was, he was still living, wining and dinning in fear (Job 1: 1-3; 3:25).
He feared God yet lived in fear.
He feared God but no peace, or rest of mind.
He feared God but mentally, emotionally and psychologically troubled.
He had God. He had virtually everything but was afraid of losing them.
You cannot bribe God against losses with your religious activities. Job 1:5.
Losing or winning is a state of mind. Prov. 4:23.

The Compromiser
Ponder on this axiom, 'when you compromise you lose. When you seem to have compromised, you have taken a step toward winning'. Here is Saul’s scenario; …but Samuel had not yet come to Gilgal, and the soldiers began to leave Saul...’’ I saw the soldiers leaving me. So I forced myself to offer the burnt offering. I Sam. 13:8-15. (ERV). King Saul lost himself and his kingdom simply because he was afraid people were leaving him. He traded the will of God for the attention and presence of men. He wanted the ovation of men. He did not want to lose his people, congregation, audience or church members so he compromised standard; went as far as disobeying God to win the attention of men. The COMPROMISERS are losers and they are bound to fail. They are men pleasers and eye-service minded individuals. Eph.6:5-7; Col. 3:22-24. They dance to the tune of the people to secure them. They want to say, teach, preach and do what the people want. Many men of God fall into these category.  Are you?

Fear and Compromise will make you lose, eliminate and delete them in your life. Be fortified with sound, sanitized, sanctified and certified mind in Jesus name!

When you lose men don't lose focus: When you lose focus don't lose God

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Matt.16:26. (ERV)
Of course, the wise ones would agree with me that you cannot have, possess or gain the whole world. Impossible.You cannot win everybody or everything at every time. And you cannot lose everything and everybody at the same time.
Without micing words, the reality of life is, you win some and lose some. However, nobody wishes to lose but its often said, ‘Nobody has lost but somebody has won’. This message will build a no-shaking mindset in you and ultimately make you a winner for life and for real. In Gen. 13:14 Abraham lost the companionship, friendship, partnership, relationship, and fellowship of a person he single-handedly raised, trained, financed, sponsored and made because, Lot separated himself from him.
Break–away is bitter. In fact, its better preached than experienced. But, if/when you lose men, people, partners, congregation, audience, members, platform, opportunities, resources, business, associates, sponsorship, contracts, contacts, customers, clients, apprentice, employers, employees, land, capital, profit, houses, cars, father, mother, wife, husband, children or any valuables like Abraham...Don’t lose focus ...and in case you lose focus don’t lose God. If father Abraham could lose somebody as good as he was to the person, it simply means no one is immune against losses.
Death can claim some. (Joshua 1:1). Some will leave deliberately with or without good or genuine reason or offense. No matter what you do to maintain the friendship, companionship or partnership some will leave... but, don’t lose focus and in case you lose focus don’t lose God.
Those who will never win: The Fearful and the Compromiser.
Fear:  The fearful are losers. The fearful will definitely lose whatever he/she has. Whatever you fear to lose you may eventually lose. Whatever you love, respect, idolize and express fear so much about, you may eventually lose!
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Job 3:25.
Nobody knew that, as Godly, upright, perfect and religious as Job was, he was still living, wining and dinning in fear (Job 1: 1-3). He feared God yet lived in fear. He feared God but no peace, or rest of mind. He feared God but mentally and psychologically troubled. He had God. He had virtually everything but was afraid of losing them. You cannot bribe God against losses with your religious activities. Job 1:5. Losing or winning is a state of mind. Prov. 4:23.

The Proverbs' Wealth Of Wisdom

The Proverbs’ Wealth of Wisdom is a book you’ll ordinarily love to have, buy and read! Why?
*      Wisdom is too high for a Fool. Prov. 24:7.
*      The Fool cannot comprehend the operational dimension and frequency of wisdom.
*      The pursuit of wisdom is not for the already full called Fools
*      The pursuit of wisdom is not for the proud
*      The pursuit of wisdom is for the simple!
*      The Fools are full
*      The Lost miss it
*      The Ignorant ignore it
*      The Blind criticize it
*      But, the Wise embrace it
With this book;
*      You are made
*      Your path is set
*      You’ll avoid the pitfalls of others
*      You’ll stand and walk without crutches
*      You’ll make it with or without certificates
*      Your future is safe, secure and guaranteed
Buy the future, today!
Buy it to be wise
Read it to be wiser
Digest it to be better
Act it to be better than the best
Master the skills to be better than the rest!

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Can one be wise and be poor?

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